足球的场上最激动人心的是进球的一瞬间,全场摒住呼吸,希望在一秒后迸发;但有的球员可以让这种压抑的激情释放,有的只能带来全场哀叹。我们管前面一种叫做finisher或者禁区之王。在英国足坛曾经出现过无数优秀前锋,罗比福勒对80年代的人来说也是个难以忘却的名字,在那个红色利物浦他和欧文让我们知道什么叫门前杀手,而他也被称作 “利物浦上帝”。
Never miss a one-on-one again with shooting tips from natural born finisher and Liverpool legend, Robbie Fowler
“I can finish when I’m playing on instinct, but when I’m one-on-one and I have time it all goes wrong. Any tips for this situation?”
Tom Dees, via Twitter
球迷Tom Dees在Twitter上留言:“当禁区内来不及考虑只能射门时我常常能凭本能打进球,但一旦是1对1面对守门员而且有足够时间调整时,我却往往射失。这可真是烦恼,能给点建议吗?”
“One of the most important things about finishing is being clever. You’ve got to try to be intelligent in front of goal.
Before you start thinking about finishing, you need to get your movement right. The better your runs off the ball, the more chances you’ll get, and in stronger positions to beat the goalkeeper.
A lot of strikers panic when they get one-on-one with the keeper, and so they snatch at the chance. It’s imperative that you stay calm.
In this position I would aim for the corners. Hitting it early can catch the keeper unawares, but if you do this and drive it down his throat, he’ll save it. Stay cool and aim for the corners and you’ll make it harder.
To make this finish second nature you need to practise one-on-ones over and over again in training.”
附送一个 福老师的集锦
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